Search Twitter Usernames

Input username(s) sepeated by a comma. ex,(username1,username2,usrename3 )

Please search usernames above seperated by a comma

Overview is a web service that provides historical information about social media accounts. It currently has data for over 440 million Twitter accounts, with coverage going back to 2011 in most cases. The service is not open source, but its source code is available for use and modification by individuals, non-profit organizations, and worker-owned businesses.

Our application leverages as an API to search for historical screen names of Twitter accounts based on user input. The user simply enters a comma-separated list of usernames, and our app sends a request to to retrieve the corresponding historical screen names. We then display the results to the user.

It`s worth noting that has certain access restrictions in place to protect user privacy and safety. Public access is limited to historical facts that have been observed in the past 60 days, with some accounts excluded at the request of the owner. Full histories are provided only to a trusted group of researchers, journalists, and activists, who need to authenticate via GitHub or Google. can be a valuable tool for identifying online abusers and trolls who attempt to hide their identities through changing screen names. Our app provides a convenient way for researchers, journalists, and concerned citizens to leverage this resource without needing to have technical expertise in web scraping or data analysis.